Link to Article: https://www.agdaily.com/ffa/mirhonda-good-on-ffa-whatthis-generation-needs-now/
By: Heidi Crnkovic
Mirhonda Good didn’t know much about agriculture before joining 4-H and FFA. She didn’t want to show livestock, and she didn’t come from a background in agriculture, but her involvement in the organization turned out to be exactly what many in this generation need.
Good is a senior at Alamogordo High School in New Mexico. She hopes to attend Texas Tech University as an Agricultural and Applied Economics major at the Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources. Her eventual goal is to become a prosecuting attorney, defending policies that benefit agriculturists.
Initially joining FFA as an eighth grader, Good seized the opportunity when the private school she attended began offering classes. At the time, she didn’t know much about the organization outside of her involvement as a 4-H member in a local club. However, Good hit the ground running after joining, saying, “I quickly grew a love for FFA — all of the people I met, and the opportunities and new experiences the program provided.”
She has since been elected as the District VI New Mexico State Vice President.
FFA is a program working toward the future and has a place for everyone. Good shares some of her keystone beliefs on how FFA is paving the way for a diverse, dynamic generation:
FFA is what our generation needs now
“My time in FFA has helped me to realize that no matter what I’m facing personally, I need to figure out how to be myself. We live in a world where we try to be like others, but our generation needs strong leaders. FFA has allowed me to obtain leadership skills and become the best version of myself. I hope to inspire the next generation of leaders in New Mexico, helping to provide a home in FFA where we can all partner to become what our generation needs now.”
Community is what we all need now
“My favorite part of FFA is the community aspect — it’s like a family. No matter who you are or where you come from, you’re accepted — you have a place in FFA.”
Since her induction as a New Mexico State FFA Officer, Good says, “My team already feels like a family. We’re here for each other and to make each other better. They inspire me to learn, grow, and lead.”
While it’s difficult to sum up advisors’ impact on FFA members, they undoubtedly harrow the ground for a community where everyone can grow. Good fondly describes her first FFA advisor, Katie Ramsey. She still considers Ramsey her top role model and strongest advocate. “Katie has taught me so much about having a heart for service — she does so many things and always strives to help others achieve their goals. I’ve learned with Katie’s help that FFA is a safe place to fail. And that, after all, failing is a part of growth and learning.”
Ag literacy is what the world needs now
“Since I started FFA, my SAE has been on agricultural literacy. Through the New Mexico Department of Agriculture, I have worked with the Ag in the Classroom program. This program provides a book of the year that I’ve been able to take into classrooms to teach elementary students about where our food, fiber, and fuel come from.”
Good has since started an Instagram account to advocate for agriculture through ag literacy. She hopes to share her passion for agriculture with younger generations and provide another avenue to bolster science education in the schools. She says, “Agriculture, after all, is an applied, hands-on, life science.”
FFA is for the future
FFA has taught me so many new skill sets — the chapter at Alamogordo has done an excellent job of broadening my horizons. From public speaking to Creede contests, horticulture, floral arrangement, running for local officer teams, and now the state officer team, “I’m learning from other people who have been in the same shoes. I’m looking forward to making mistakes because you can’t learn without making mistakes.”
Good is currently working on her American Degree and considering running for a national office. This year, she attended camp as a counselor and is eager to participate in the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis this coming October.
FFA is for all
“I didn’t come from an agricultural background,” Good says. “FFA doesn’t limit your opportunities based on whether or not you come from a farming background; what matters is whether you take the opportunities given to you and make them work for you.
“I’d encourage anyone to join FFA. It’s improved my life, and I owe many of the skills I have now to the organization. More importantly, though, I owe the friendships I’ve gained to FFA — the experiences it has afforded me are something I’ll always be grateful for.
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